Fun Fact: Pawn customers repay their loans completely at a rate of 80% nationwide. This means that 80% of the time, our customers were able to use the pawn service, as designed, to meet their financial needs.

Most importantly, I have learned that pawnshops are vital service providers to a large portion of our community. Hardworking men and women from all walks of life rely on our service in times of need and opportunity. For this reason, I am proud to be a pawnbroker!! 

What else have I learned?

I have learned that there is no such thing as “typical” in a pawnshop. Every day, every customer, every item and every interaction is unique. This variability makes pawnshops fun, interesting and very refreshing when comparing to mundane retail environments.

Pawnshop stereotypes are largely incorrect. Just as in every industry, there are scumbag employees and scumbag patrons that make us all look bad. FACT: As a whole, my pawnshop peers and customers are just as kind, down to earth and hardworking (sometimes more so) as the individuals of my former corporate life.

Admittedly, pawnshops are not glamorous. There is an element of dealing in second-hand goods that makes me feel like Pig-Pen by the end of each day. The reactions I receive are priceless when telling people I transitioned from plush, corporate, LA beach offices to a pawnshop in Mentone – crazy thing is, I would not go back!

Why should you visit a pawnshop?

IT IS FUN!! Even if you buy nothing, it is entertaining to browse a store that sells everything from breast pumps to shotguns to $2,000 Rolexes. You never know what you will find and inventory changes rapidly so each experience is different.

DEALS! DEALS! DEALS! Stop overpaying for commodities – there is a lot of great stuff on the second-hand market and you can get them at a fraction of the retail price.

Credit loans are scary and can ruin your financial lively hood if managed incorrectly. Don’t gamble with your future take advantage of collateral loans in times of hardship or opportunity.

If you have found this blog to be interesting, or you have a personal testimonial of how a pawnshop has helped you, please share with your network and tell them about Jum-Pawn-It. Thanks for following